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  • Writer's pictureSommer Hamilton

White Noise

Authors are very acceptable to White Noise. The white noise that comes in forms of listening to the advice and opinions of others. This type of interference gets into our heads and in our way.

It has derailed the best of us and will continue to do so without a real plan to accomplish our goals. This has been part of my problem. I was too busy with being creative without giving any focus to a plan.

When things didn't produce the results I wanted, I knew I needed serious help to write the wrong. I immerse myself into training classes, Podcast and others like "The Author Hangout, Reedylearning, and Authors On Tour", to help with sleighing my own dragon.

Knowledge is power, so developing a plan that was not only to master my creative but to produce tangible results. I needed to gain the experience of the experts. I took the classes, study their books, and took the steps to walk away with real tools to help me.

I am eager to apply them to my own plan. I am focusing on the five steps that I am prepared to take.

The five steps plan:

  • Goals

  • Product Value

  • Subscriber

  • Conversions

  • Sales

The plan is to focus on these five steps weekly and share the process on my blog post. We can take this journey together and share our successes if you would like. However, I encourage authors, writers, and bloggers to participate in the journey.

We have a lot to offer each other and others that are searching for answers. If you want to find out my research links, classes and books that will help you with your own plan subscribe to this post and let's decode our own goals for the New Year.

Please be sure to share and leave your comments on what works for you below.

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