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  • Writer's pictureSommer Hamilton

Social Media And?

Yes, they're out there and they might know you better than you would like. Who are they? Everyone in the world!

I've been asked in some of my workshops do I ever feel exposed? The answer would be yes sometimes. Maintaining a social media life that is rewarding is a cautionary tale of wit, humor, and one's authentic self.

It also comes with a high sense of privacy, boundaries, and a code of conduct.

Now wrap this up into a pretty package and you have a rewarding social media platform. But buyer beware to achieve this goal finding your audience and maintaining that relationship is real work.

My own goal is to keep writing every chance I get to improve on my craft it is a labor of love and I think that's what it needs to be or it will never be what you hope for.

The details are being creative when sharing and never letting critics unravel you. The important thing is we have an impact on our social network whether it is friend or foe. Consider your social network like your resume.

As a mom, this is an important message for our children. We try so hard to protect our children. Our leaders and schools and community should take it seriously. until they do it's our job to keep communicating this to our children.

Have something you want to share? We love comments! Check out my other Social Media sites while your here.

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