You can feel it in the air, the awaking of the fall season. Where we pull out our fall colors and splash the season all through our homes and porches.
This is the time that really gets busy for me and my family. We host our own Halloween Open House, so I usually start staging on paper or my doodle pad in August. When I am shopping for whatever I will usually pick up small items adding to my Halloween collection. There will always be items that need to be replaced are reworked once we take inventory in September.

Like skeletons or larger props, and yes! there are skeletons in my closet along with a few witches. Our three story Frankenstein finally had to be put to rest and we replaced him with some very cool animatronics. However, I am still keeping my eyes open for that one piece that makes that statement.

This is also the time of year that people ask me to visit to read my Halloween book "Did I Scare You?" to the kids or sometimes help host an event. I am always up for that, it puts me in spirit and joy of the season. I am a big kid at heart and it's the one time of year you can revisit your inter-child and that is always a good thing. I write for children and I need to be able to speak their language. I get a kick out of the looks on their faces when they visit me on Halloween, I can imagine they go back home and create their own wonderland or at least have plans to visit me again next year.
It takes a Village! so I have been told. I want my village to be a village that encourages and inspires all children and parents. The way I see it, it's great family fun, It's a great way for me to give back to my community, friends, and my littlest fans. My call to action this Halloween season is to get out there find your inter-child and get creative. I would love to hear about your Halloween and how you make it special for your family or Village. If you would like me to visit your school or event go to my website contact page.