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  • Writer's pictureSommer Hamilton

Making the Connection

A group plan for an author visit from one of the publishing house can be at a considerable cost. Depending on the logistics and the publishing house requirements.

However, there are alternatives for schools even in small towns to have an author visit with very little cost. How is this possible?

There are so many talented authors out there. Some that are working towards traditional publishing, some that were traditionally published that are working as an independent.

As an author, the rules are changing in the publishing world. Indie authors that can light up a room full of children. I can't think of a better event for a school.

These authors are so knowledgeable don't miss out!

Most of the Indie authors have a package to share with you to help prepare for your author visit and what to expect.

The authors asked for a number of books that you plan to purchase. You can set a date to help prepare for the book sales.

How do you find an author? Start with your community library not only are they familiar with the authors works but they have had many author visits. This can provide you with knowledgeable information on which authors will work for your classroom.

Most serious authors have their own website. Where you can get valuable information and cost.

Connection with authors excites kids about reading and a strong reader accomplishes great things.

Hey! We are out here shaking up the world and making a difference every day. So make the call today for your school.

You can start with me!

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