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  • Writer's pictureSommer Hamilton

Creative Magic

I want to share something that might catch people off guard. Writers, artists, musicians, and poets all have to create. It's not a choice. You often hear potentially creative people talk about how they are just not competitive or social enough to put their creativity out to the world. This is not true. All of our focus and energy must go into what we create. This is not Disney. No one is going to do it for you.

If I sat in front of my screen and waited for the inspiration fairy to come, she would never appear. For creativity, eight to five is not an option. Am I still passionate and a steward of my craft? Absolutely!

Creative people feel as if we are under a magnifying glass most of the time with a giant clock ticking in front of us. Whatever the case, we continue to work our craft in order to live and fulfill our creative lives.

We are blessed with this amazing gift and our minds are never idle. It's not a hobby, it's a passion!

Sometimes we miss the window of opportunity in the world of reality. However, we have never lived there, to begin with. We are all hardwired differently. It's not a mistake. We dream with eyes open.

There are those in the world that want to label us so they can put us in a category. Keep in mind we are not limited by the labels.

We are masters of envisioning other worlds. We create those visions on paper, canvas, walls, and so on. My creative life includes many passions. I'm not one dimensional. I claim it, I pursue it!

If the world doesn't acknowledge our gifts, the universe will. When creating, you just might stumble on to someone that completely understands. You could change someone's life. One thing is for certain it has changed mine.

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