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  • Writer's pictureSommer Hamilton

Busy at the Gallery

It's a busy work day, coming off the holidays. Today's project is working on adding my Illustrations Gallery. Working through all the setting and enhancements can get tricky. The goal of a website is to make it user-friendly and to be informative. While working on other exciting things coming soon. As a writer sometimes you might have to put some projects on hold. It happens! It's not an easy thing to do for a writer.

The good news is you have an inventory to pull from.

I am really excited about my latest project I am working on right now because I am getting to work with my teenage son who is quite talented. It's funny, that I started writing because of my children. Now I get to work with my child. I am just going to say, I'm a big fan of his work. He's not much for the spotlight. However, I give credit when credit is due.

Until then make sure to check out my new Illustrations Gallery and tell me what you think. Make sure to catch up with me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. you can leave me a comment on this post and share! Don't forget to subscribe for the latest news and events.

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