Children's Author Sommer Hamilton Small Town Anywhere USA Email: hamiltonambassador@hotmail.com www.sommerhamilton.com
Never Ending, 2017 &
Dear Agent,
I am one of the many in the collective of writers. I write for my soul, I write to put smiles on children's faces, I write for my children, I write for a chance, I write for a yes instead of no, I write for the characters that are running around in my head, I write because no one is listening, I write for families, I write for the modern world.
I write because I can’t sleep, I write because I am waiting on the laundry, I write because I’m in the carpool line, I write for the word count 244+ to be exact, I write for guidelines, I write because I feel better in my PJ’s, I write for awards, I write for contests, I write for three paragraphs, I write for affiliates, I write for the 4 to 6 weeks,
I write for products, I write for art, I write for the underdog, I write for newsletters, I write for companies, I write for postcards, I write for mothers, I write to give all God’s creatures a voice, I write for dessert, I write for the sea, I write for holidays, I write for travel, I write for friends, I write for other writers, I write to rewrite, I write for a dream, I write for world peace, I write and write and write.
Sincerely, My Query Letter