Sommer Hamilton

Jan 11, 20181 min

A Brave New World

So it's 2018! And going forward I want to start by expressing my gratitude to the families, friends, and fans of this crazy adventure I have been on. This includes all of my lovable characters that have shared this journey. It has not been easy but I could not imagine life without them.

Sharing my personal life in the blogosphere has been eye-opening. So moving forward into this brave new world and touting out all of my cast of characters on my website in a new tab label illustrations is just one of my new items.

I have some very exciting workshops for books this year. One is " Let's Write!" for young want-to-be writers. Where a group of young writers will help me finish one of my books and they will also get credit for their contributions.

Right now I have two books out for review and two more that need some attention. It's getting fairly crowded in my head. I could use the extra space right now.

So if this is your first time here... Greetings! If you have followed my crazy journey... Thank You! Writers have to write! So if you have missed me follow my social media. I post different things on different sites. If you stop by say Hi!

My challenge for this year is all about changes and learning new things. So hang on it might be a bumpy ride, but it's always an adventure.

